APIs In this section we'll examine in details all ReqTools
APIs. As you should already know,
they are just three function calls that do all the work.
) This function create a new ReqTools
instance. You must call
this function before any other ReqTools
function call to create a valid environment
where ReqTools
functions can operate.
If everything went ok in the inizialization process, a pointer to a valid ReqTools
instance is returned. You will get a NULL in case of errors.
) This function completely deletes a ReqTools
instance and frees all memory
related to it. You should call this function at the very end of you program, before exiting.
Once this function has been called the ReqTools
pointer is not valid anymore.
This function does not return anything. But all resources related to the passed ReqTools
instance will be freed.
, int requester, ... )This function is the real thing. It is able to create several different requesters and to give you back info about what the user selected. Once this function is call, your program will not continue until the user selectes something from your requester.
Pointer to a valid ReqTools
One of the standard built-in requesters avaible. At the moment, possible values are:
The standard Are you sure? or similar requester.
This requester allows the user to insert a small amount of data, eg. a string text or a numerical value.
This is a file requester allowing the user to choose only one file
This is a file requester allowing the user to choose more than one file
This is a file requester allowing the user to choose only paths. Files are not shown in the requester's window.
This is color requester allowing the user to choose a color.
A valid tag list of possible tags for the provided requester.
This function always return the button pressed by the user. If the user press the Cancel button or closes the window, the result will be 0.