Avaible Requesters

Here there is a list of avaible requester, already built-in in the Reqtools library. These should be enough for almost every application, but you judge by yourself.

Easy Requester

This is the classic requester that prompts the user to choose among some different options, or shows an error message with just an OK or Cancel button.

Figure 1-1. Easy Requester At Work

Input Requester

This requester lets the user insert a brief text. The developer has some control over the text being inserted. For example, it is possible to force just a range of valid chars, or a numerical only value (maybe inside a range of min/max values).

Figure 1-2. An Example of Input Requester

File Requester

This is one of the most complex (and useful) requesters. It will allow the developer to prompt the user for one or more files inside a directory. The requester is able to create new directories, to rename files and dirs and also to delete files and directories.

Figure 1-3. An Example of File Requester

Path Requester

Based on the same code of the File Requester, this requester prompts the user for a specific path and does not show any file.

Figure 1-4. An Example of Path Requester

Color Requester

This requester lets the user choose a color from a palette.

Figure 1-5. An Example of Color Requester