Chapter 1. Introduction

Table of Contents
Avaible Requesters

  O, for a muse of fire, that would ascend
  The brightest heaven of invention!
  A kingdom for a stage, princes to act,
  And monarchs to behold the swelling scene!

--William Shakespeare, Henry V 


This is Reqtools documentation. Reqtools is a special library that allow developers to create requesters, those pretty (or ugly, depending by the application) windows that let the user to select a file, or to choose among various options.

This library has stolen the ideas from a library with the same name avaible for the old Amiga computers. The library was originally developed by Nico Francois and Magnus Holmgren. Anyway, this incarnation of that library just starts from the same ideas and user interaction and no code from the original library has been used or modified, since I don't have access to that code and Linux is a completely different platform to develop on.

Requesters are part of almost all GUI applications nowadays, and it is a matter of fact that the same task is accomplished in different ways by the various apps. This leads to annoying results: we have to learn how to use five different (graphically speaking) file requesters, every one with its own features (like the ability of creating or deleting files and dirs while browsing for the file we have been requested) and its own limits.

This situation is almost due to the fact that (until now) there was no library devoted to requesters generations and every programmer, and every app, had to to by him/her self.

No more.

What you are reading right now is the documentation of a library (based on GTK+ and AFC) expecially written to ease the developement of requesters. It aims to be easy to use, and also easy to extend. Yes, you have read it right: you can extend this library by adding your own, new, custom requesters because the library offers you a good environment to let your new requesters grow.